When a person speaks with Hashem, during formal or informal prayer, he is uniting with his Creator. A person can choose to speak, to open his mouth and share all that has occurred with him. Everyone begins their communication in this way, to present their truth from the place where they are at the present. But one who is in speaking mode sees this as the primary purpose of his connecting with Hashem. He feels that by pouring out his heart he has completely fulfilled his need to pray. But frequently he doesn't find anything specific on which to focus and finds it a difficult process as he doesn't know what to pray for. He then needs to come up with all sorts of ideas as to how to get himself to pray in that state.
By contrast there are those who understand that prayer time is listening time. A person can connect to Hashem in any state in which he finds himself and to pay attention with his spirit and soul to hear what is being said to him at that moment. Hashem speaks to a person through his heart
By contrast there are those who understand that prayer time is listening time. A person can connect to Hashem in any state in which he finds himself and to pay attention with his spirit and soul to hear what is being said to him at that moment. Hashem speaks to a person through his heart