Every experience that a person undergoes should change him to the extent that he begins to reassess and come to new understandings of everything he has undergone in his lifetime. This does not occur because a person feels tied to ideas that come from her family background or country of origin which prevents her from changing.
Avraham had to arrive at that point where he was all by himself, where he had released all of the ropes that tied him down and prevented him from properly serving Hashem. It was only at that point that the "Master of the castle glanced down at him." It was at that point that he recognized the Creator of his own accord and not just because of his ties. Not just because of what he was taught but not really tied to. When a person achieves an understanding of truth like this and an untying of all that binds him, then he leaves prison and becomes a true believer, even though that is not how it may appear to the eye.
This is the true birth of his soul when it is revealed as an independent entity and not merely an appendage of the ideas of others. "Therefore shall a man leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife," wife referring to the Schechinah and true belief.
מכון שבתך ס"ד

This is the true birth of his soul when it is revealed as an independent entity and not merely an appendage of the ideas of others. "Therefore shall a man leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife," wife referring to the Schechinah and true belief.
מכון שבתך ס"ד
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