Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Power of Purim

In a certain respect the message of Purim is more powerful than that of Pesach in that the love of Hashem was revealed even after the people sinned. This demonstrated that the essential love of Hashem for His nation is not dependent on their actions. He does not only love them when their actions appear superficially to be perfect, but He loves their essence such that even if they fall wherever they fall, He is still with them and by them.
It is due to the fact that on Purim we see that Hashem's love for us is above and beyond all reason and understanding that we drink wine and rise to the point of not understanding. Above all limitations and constrictions.
The Chasam Sofer writes that it is for this reason that the miracle began in the middle of Achashverosh's party. Even as they were sinning against Hashem, He was already preparing the miracle that would save them. This shows His love at all times and all situations.