It is much easier for a person to find God in the past or the future, than it is to find Him in the present. One can look at the past (היה) and notice how everything was for the good and directed by God. So, too, one can pray to God for the future (יהיה). But the real work, the real place to exercise free-will is in the present (הוה). When a person is in a situation that has not yet passed and it is not yet clear what that state has wrought, but he is presently in it, that is where he needs to find and reveal the presence of God.
The letters of God's name י-ה-ו-ה represent the four spiritual world of Atzilut, Briyah, Yetzirah and Asiyah. The last three letters הוה represent the lower three worlds in which the vessels (existence) are not completely subordinate to the light (spirituality). Those worlds are the arena within which mankind operates. The letter י, representing Atzilut, represents serving God in the past and the future. Notice that היה, past, and יהיה, future, both have the letter י within them. But in the present God is hidden. And that is where free-will plays a role. By adding a little bit of ink to the word הוה, you form the name of God. Just by shining a little bit of God's light, the light of Atzilut, a person can change the three lower worlds to become manifestations of the Schechina. He can unite the entire name of God, the letter י within the הוה, present, and thereby create a dwelling place for the Schechina in the lower worlds (דירה בתחתונים).
ראצ"ק א"ב בשלח קל"ג
The letters of God's name י-ה-ו-ה represent the four spiritual world of Atzilut, Briyah, Yetzirah and Asiyah. The last three letters הוה represent the lower three worlds in which the vessels (existence) are not completely subordinate to the light (spirituality). Those worlds are the arena within which mankind operates. The letter י, representing Atzilut, represents serving God in the past and the future. Notice that היה, past, and יהיה, future, both have the letter י within them. But in the present God is hidden. And that is where free-will plays a role. By adding a little bit of ink to the word הוה, you form the name of God. Just by shining a little bit of God's light, the light of Atzilut, a person can change the three lower worlds to become manifestations of the Schechina. He can unite the entire name of God, the letter י within the הוה, present, and thereby create a dwelling place for the Schechina in the lower worlds (דירה בתחתונים).
ראצ"ק א"ב בשלח קל"ג