Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Way to Achieve Yichud: The Heart and not the Mind: 3

The main connection between two is through the heart. This is why it says בטח בה לה בעלה, "Her husband"s heart has trust in her," specifically the heart. The true Hisbodidus is when a Jew is able to give his heart to Hashem and to feel in his heart Hashem's closeness to himself.

We should emphasize that in Hashem's request "My son, give your heart to me," the heart is primary. What good does it do for a Jew to understand with his intellect and mind lofty concepts if his heart doesn't feel? This is why the Torah says וידעת היום והשבות אל לבבך, "And you should know today and instill within your heart," כי ה' הוא האלוקים אין עוד, "That Hashem is the God, there is no other." The meaning is not only that the mind should direct the heart and the understandings of the mind should penetrate the feelings of the heart, but there is something deeper and more fundamental being expressed here.

Knowledge of the brain that is not instilled within the heart is not fit to be called knowledge. The concept that the inner heart is higher than the brain is that the brain serves the heart. It is there to assist the heart with understanding and conceptualizing, but all with the ultimate goal of instilling within the heart. A person must feel in the deepest recesses of his Nefesh and heart the spirit and soul of the knowledge. The phrase מתיישב אל הלב, instilled within the heart is a common expression to denote a clear understanding that is thoroughly instilled within the Nefesh of a person, and it is in the heart, only in the heart is it called truly acquired knowledge.

The Navi says דברו על לב ירושלים, "Speak to the heart of Jerusalem." The Bais HaMikdosh (Temple) is the heart and source of life for mankind. Hashem is the heart of Man as it says "To you my heart says." We find authors often writing "My heart tells me." They never write "My brain tells me." This is because the feeling of the heart is primary. We find someone being praised for having a Jewish heart, this is more meaningful than a Jewish mind. Outsiders may be impressed by the intellect of the Jews, we are impressed by the heart.

When we come with intellect and use it to capture someone's heart, that is love that is dependent on something. When the thing is gone, the love is gone. But a heart based connection is something that penetrates deeply into the Nefesh and takes root.

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